Chung Lian School started its humble beginning in 1953 when Sungai Liang and Lumut community realized the need to establish a school that would provide an accessible primary education to their children. In August 1955, the school became operational with twenty seven students and a teacher who also acted as the principal. Since then, Chung Lian School has been in existence to nurture the minds of its students and to serve its community.
100% PSR Result

1956 – 1968
During these years, the school was under the sponsorship of the government’s Ministry of Education. The government at that time supported the school by giving regular food provision for teachers and students.

Chung Lian School acquired its property ownership when its land area was awarded to the school by the government and was exempted from paying land tax.

Buildings and facilities became a necessity as the growth of the school continued. So, in order to raise funds, the school asked donations from the public and the government for the construction of a new school building.

When the government’s Ministry of Education stopped its sponsorship, the school became more independent and started collecting school fees from the parents of students. Also, monthly donations were solicited from generous people who were willing to help and support the school. Since then, the school has organized fund raising activities like the lion dance every Chinese new year celebration in order to generate the needed fund to sustain the school operation.


Further improvements happened during the seventies. The hostel for teachers’ accommodation was constructed. The areas for canteen and table tennis were also put into place.


During this time, there was an increase in the population both in the Sungai Liang and Lumut communities. And as a result, Chung Lian School’s number of students also increased. So the need to continue a Chinese school in the area was deemed important. Chung Lian continued its untiring service to provide primary education to the ever growing population of Sungai Liang and Lumut communities.


Another improvement was realized when the multi purpose room was constructed. It served as the library and computer laboratory for students and as a meeting room for teachers and administrators.


The twenty first century marked several make overs for the school's physical environment. It made some renovation of the classrooms, from ceilings to curtains, and even the landscaping of the school compound. In the same year, the multi purpose room was assigned as a Kindergarten classroom. Then, a supervisor’s room was put up beside the staff room. Truly, the school’s progress was no doubt very evident.


"To successfully achieve satisfactory and quality education."


"To obtain guidance and standard education."


"To continue to expand and improve quality education."

Through the years, the school has developed to what it has become today. It has traversed the test of time and has laid a strong foundation to serve its purpose. At present, the school carries on to fulfill its mission and vision and mark more milestones in the coming generations.

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